The Do Something Good Giveaway

Have a cold one


WOW...2020 has been CARAZY!!! Let's change the narrative and DO SOMETHING GOOD!

Pandemics, Race Relations, Election Year...YUCK!!! What happened to the good ole days when as adults we could all gather around a table, grab a beer, glass of wine or cocktail and just laugh and enjoy each others company? It shouldn't matter if you're black or white, gay or straight, republican or democrat...just be a good person and open to others you don't have much in common with. You may be surprised.

Now we know gathering in the age of COVID19 is challenging so we want to help. WE'RE GOING TO BRING THE WATERING HOLE TO YOU! We're giving away a Drinkworks by Keurig drink maker. They're not a client, we don't have any affiliation with them but we do have an extra machine waiting to make someones home THE PLACE TO BE!!! 

How do you win it you ask? Simple...DO SOMETHING GOOD! That's it. Nothing else. Go out of your way to do something good for someone you don't normally engage with. Help an elderly person cross the street, give your neighbor a hand patching that leaky roof, mentor a kid...the choices are endless and it's totally up to you. So give us the deets on what you did, take a picture of your deed while holding a sign that reads: BRANDIVERSITY DO GOOD GIVEAWAY, answer a verification question or two and submit. We'll judge here at Brandiversity and announce a winner on our social pages on August 15th.

Now the muckety mucks are telling us there are some legalese to get out of the way so here it goes: 
You have to be 21 or older to enter, you have to live within the contiguous 48 states, the Drinkworks Pods (which
contain alcohol) or any accessories are not part of this promotion and by submitting your entry you agree to hold
Brandiversity and its employees harmless and free of liability from ANY ISSUE that may arise out of this promotion. Are we good? Good!

So go out, change the world for the better and have a responsible drink on us.


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17892 N US HWY 41 Lutz, FL 33549
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